Iklan anda di YouTube akan tampil di bagian-bagian seperti berikut
Di awal video, di halaman hasil pencarian video, di side bar dan berupa banner di tengah-tengah penayangan video
Cek Paket (package) atau Berlangganan (subscribe)
Bingung mau pakai paket yang mana? klik/tap Help
3.000.000/year (DISC 17%)
Pas untuk 15 hari Kampanye iklan
Max 30 hari Kampanye iklan
Live ads at Youtube
1 ads campaign optimization
1 adgroups optimization
1 weekly content and keyword revision
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 400.000
Possible reach up to 10.000 impression/day
Full Support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
Subscribe for discount and more
5.200.000/year (DISC 20%)
Pas untuk 30 hari kampanye iklan
Max 30 hari kampanye iklan
Live ads at Youtube
1 ads campaign optimization
2 adgroups optimization
a/b test
2 weekly content and keyword revision
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 800.000
Possible reach up to 10.000 impression/day
collect and target potential customer
audience mapping
Full support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga Paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
Subscribe for discount and more
6.750.000/year (DISC 25%)
Pas untuk 30 hari kampanye Iklan
Max 30 hari kampanye Iklan
Live ads at YouTube
2 ads campaign optimization
2 adgroups optimization
a/b test
4 weekly content and keyword revision
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 2.500.000
Possible reach up to 60.000 impression/day
collect and target potential customer
audience mapping
Full support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga Paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
Subscribe for discount and more
9.900.000/year (DiSC 25%)
Pas untuk 30 hari kampanye Iklan
Max 30 hari kampanye Iklan
giant reach, giant result
Live ads at YouTube
3 ads campaign optimization
6 adgroups optimization
a/b test
4 weekly content and keyword revision
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 7.100.000
Possible reach up to 180.000 impression/day
collect and target potential customer
audience mapping
Possible reach up to 180.000 impression/day
Full support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga Paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
Subscribe for discount and more
3.000.000/year (DISC 17%)
Pas untuk 15 hari Kampanye iklan
Max 30 hari Kampanye iklan
Tips Labs
Sales Tunnel Plan
Live ads at Youtube
1 ads campaign optimization / month
1 adgroups optimization / month
1 weekly content and keyword revision / month
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 400.000
Possible reach up to 10.000 impression/day
Full Support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
[/ultimate_pricing]5.200.000/year (DISC 20%)
Pas untuk 30 hari kampanye iklan
Max 30 hari kampanye iklan
Live ads at Youtube
Tips Labs
Sales Tunnel Plan
1 ads campaign optimization / month
2 adgroups optimization / month
a/b test
2 weekly content and keyword revision / month
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 800.000
Possible reach up to 10.000 impression/day
collect and target potential customer
audience mapping
Full support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga Paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
6.750.000/year (DISC 25%)
Pas untuk 30 hari kampanye Iklan
Max 30 hari kampanye Iklan
Live ads at YouTube
Tips Labs
Sales Tunnel Plan
2 ads campaign optimization
2 adgroups optimization
a/b test
4 weekly content and keyword revision
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 2.500.000
Possible reach up to 60.000 impression/day
collect and target potential customer
audience mapping
Full support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga Paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
9.900.000/year (DiSC 25%)
Pas untuk 30 hari kampanye Iklan
Max 30 hari kampanye Iklan
giant reach, giant result
Live ads at YouTube
Tips Labs
Sales Tunnel Plan
3 ads campaign optimization
6 adgroups optimization
a/b test
4 weekly content and keyword revision
Exclude Video creation / Editing
include keyword research and re-research
ad spend up to 7.100.000
Possible reach up to 180.000 impression/day
collect and target potential customer
audience mapping
Possible reach up to 180.000 impression/day
Full support
Harga Paket Belum termasuk budget iklan
Harga Paket Belum termasuk pembuatan/editing video
Belum Punya Video?
Konsultasikan kepada kami, kebutuhan video untuk bisnis anda. Biaya jasa pembuatan/editing video, teroptimasi untuk kebutuhan marketing anda, mulai dari IDR 400.000